HomeDesigneriKim Bakker: Cronica unui dezastru în moda clujeană

Kim Bakker: Cronica unui dezastru în moda clujeană

Designerul olandez Kim Bakker a radiografiat pentru Fashionlife.ro toate problemele pe care le-a avut la Cluj Fashion Week.

Aceasta s-a plâns de proasta organizare a festivalului, dar şi de faptul că nu a reuşit să-l mai întâlnească pe directorul evenimentului Mihai Chiver, pentru a-i cere explicaţii pentru dezastrul produs.

NON by KIM was very much looking forward to visiting your beautiful country. It is not true that we, NON by KIM, do not know that Romania is in the EU. We are very interested in East-European culture (fashion, architecture, arts, music).

Therefore, were honoured that we were invited to be the special guest of CFW2. We think our collections are great and we would like to share them to the whole world! Therefore, we were hoping to meet many interesting people (press, public, buyers) in Romania and show them our beautiful brand NON by KIM.

It is true that the Dutch TNT by mistake put an international code (which has nine digits, instead of the European one with ten digits!) on the parcel with the shoes. However, this made no difference at all: the address was right, and the code is just a number for tracking purposes.

The shoes had arrived 1,5 weeks prior to the show in Cluj, not 3 weeks: we sent them 3 weeks before. They have arrived the 2nd of November in Cluj. The organization of CFW (which we sent it to) has simply not informed with Posta Romana where the package had been delivered to in Cluj, and then collected it. The parcel has been  at the post office all along. We could not collect the shoes ourselves because the package was adressed to Mr. Chiver: he had to sign for it himself.

The staff of the CFW told us they collected the shoes, and that they were already at the airport at the day of the show. We only found out 2 hours before the show that the shoes were still at a post office – somewhere in the city Cluj. By then it was too late to collect them, which resulted in the fact that we had to show without the shoes.

Fortunately Kim did not have a nervous breakdown right before the show, and there were no tears either: we came over to present our show in a professional way, but this was impossible because of the errors made by the CFW. No shoes and no audience is not a good show…

Our trip to Romania has become a disappointment for everybody, we invested a lot of funds and energy, with a shameful catwalk show as result. We feel very sorry for all the people involved and interested in CFW (designers, models, press, buyers, fashion lovers), particularly for the CFW team.

We know that they started CFW2 with the best intentions. We really hope that CFW3 will be a great succes for the fashion in Cluj, especially for starting designers – like we once used to be!

Mai jos aveti traducerea in limba romana

NON by KIM astepta cu nerabdare vizita in frumoasa tara Romania … Nu este adevarat ca noi, NON by KIM, nu stiam ca Romania se afla in Uniunea Europeana …

Noi suntem foarte interesati in cultura est-europeana(moda, arhitectura, arta, muzica). De aceea, am fost onorati de faptul ca am fost chemati sa fim invitatii speciali la CFW2. Suntem de parere ca, colectiile noastre sunt grozave si ne-ar placea sa le impartasim cu toata lumea !

De aceeam, noi am sperat ca vom intalni multi oameni interesanti ( presa, public, clienti) in Romania carora sa le prezentam frumoasa colectie NON by KIM.

Este adevarat ca firma de curierat olandeza a pus din greseala un cod international ,care are 9 caractere, in locul celui european care are 10 caractere, pe coletul cu papucii. Oricum acest lucru nu a contat : adresa era corecta si codul era un simplu numar de verificare.

Papucii au ajuns, fara nicio intarziere, cu 12 zile inainte in Cluj. Organizatorii CFW ( carora le-am trimis coletul) pur si simplu nu s-au prezentat la Posta Romana, unde a fost trimis pachetul, pentru a-l ridica. Coletul s-a aflat la oficiul postal in tot acest timp.

Noi nu am putut merge sa-l luam deoarece coletul era pe numele domnului Chiver care trebuia sa semneze la primirea lui. Organizatorii CFW ne-au spus ca s-au ocupat de ridicarea coletului si ca papucii se aflau deja la aeroport pentru ziua prezentarii.

Noi am aflat doar cu 2 ore inainte de prezentare ca papucii se aflau inca la oficiul postal, undeva in orasul Cluj. La acea ora era deja prea tarziu pentru a merge dupa ei, lucru care a dus la prezentarea colectiei fara papuci.

Din fericire, Kim nu a avut o cadere nervoasa inainte de show si de asemenea nu au fost nici lacrimi … Noi am venit aici pentru a ne prezenta colectia intr-un mod profesional insa acest lucru a fost imposibil din cauza erorilor facute de echipa CFW. Fara papuci si fara un public numeros nu am fi avut cum sa facem un show bun …

Calatoria noastra in Romania a devenit o dezamagire pentru toti .. Am investit multa energie si de asemenea fonduri, iar ca rezultat am avut un show de toata rusinea …

Ne pare foarte rau pentru toti oamenii implicati si interesati in CFW( designeri, modele, presa, clienti, iubitori de moda ), in mod special pentru echipa CFW. Noi stim ca ei au demarat acest festival CFW cu cele mai bune intentii. Noi speram din suflet ca editia CFW3 va fi un adevarat succes pentru moda din Cluj, in special pentru designerii debutanti – asa cum am fost si noi odata !

Citeste si: Pantofii pentru prezentarea designerului Kim Bakker, de la Cluj Fashion Week, au fost trimişi … în lume


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